BGCL Newsletter invites you to heal and transform through slow, intentional living. Each week, take this moment to pause with me and recall what is essential. 💚
Hello friends,
At the moment, I find myself swept up in seasonal hustle and bustle that calls me to eat, attend, purchase, and complete. I keep losing track of my intentions to live in a more essential way, pulled in by the mesmerizing lights, delicious flavors, and annual goal crushing. Instead, I am trying to calculate:
How much cheer can I buy and what is the most economical place to buy it?
Do more events attended lead to more memories created?
What is the life-hack that will help me complete all my undone to-dos in three weeks?
On one hand, it is comforting to believe that I can do all the things, made all the people happy, and feel like I have missed out on nothing. In years past, I have told myself that things will slow down in the new year and I can commit to a self-care goal then. But this year, I want to try something different.
I continue to find that these moments of pressure are the best time to practice setting (and resetting) our intentions to rewild—because it is a practice. No need to wait for weeks to pass in order to be present and enjoy our one wild life. Here are a few rewilding practices that I invite you to try along with me:
Quit the pursuit of perfect: It doesn’t exist. Period. Stop letting it be your north start. Stop it. Whether it is pulling off the perfect holiday party, finding the perfect outfit, giving the perfect gift—we set ourselves up for disappointment. Change the focus, welcome the unknown, and loosen your grip. You may just be surprised at how good it feels to just be.
Be in your own season: Sometimes the season to be jolly feels downright depressing, annoying, or overwhelming. That is okay. We have been bamboozled into believing that we must feel a certain way at certain times. But our inner seasons ebb and flow on their own time. Be with yourself and love yourself through whatever season you are in.
Create more than you consume: According to GDP, our greatest job during the holidays is to consume. But we are by nature creative beings. This season, instead of outsourcing creativity to “professionals”, reclaim that power for yourself. Find that creative seed in you and begin to nurture the potential. Make time for crafting, baking, entertaining, or whatever calls you.
Love yourself no matter what: We have become our own worst bullies. We belittle ourselves for mistakes and distain our bodies for functioning like… bodies. These are forms of self-abandonment and it hurts. Let’s give ourselves the gift of self-love this year. Thank that bod for all it does for you, be curious about your ideas, and praise yourself for imperfect progress. Kindness starts from within.
As we buckle in for the final stretch, find a rewilding practice to alleviate some of the pressure of the season. It can be small and simple—but that is how all good things begin. Focus on being present for what matters, taking in the moments of joy, and cherishing what lights you up.
So, tell me: What rewilding practice are you trying out this season? In moments of overwhelm, how will you return to what is essential? You can hit reply to share with me directly or leave a comment on the Substack BGCL community page.
Thanks for taking time to slow down and be present with me this week. Take care, be kind, and we'll talk soon,
PS: Nature Calls… check back next week for all the details.
I love this idea of naming the season we are in. As I've just moved across that Atlantic, I would say I'm in a season of Homecoming. Of stepping back into the land of my ancestors, being curios and open to all of the ancestral practices and spirits of the land. So much hurts to heal, to mend, to acknowledge
It's hard. But it's the season I'm in
Our house is a mess, we haven't finished decorating, and I feel like our winter break is over and it doesn't start until next week! Yeah, I needed to be reminded to give myself grace.